Classe mobile
Collège Jean Giono
EtiGliss learning with labels - Non installée
The Android application EtiGliss is specifically designed to meet the needs of all teachers in elementary schools, whether they already work with labels or not. The tool is suited to any subject being taught, but its audio features make it particularly efficient at helping develop reading skills and for the acquisition of foreign languages. It can also be used by parents who want to develop exercises for their own children. EtiGliss consists of two parts that are complementary: - This Android App, featuring a simplified interface that allows children to intuitively select, load and play visual and optionally audio-visual exercises prepared by their teacher on the companion web site. The output from each exercise can be checked for correctness directly by the student. It can also be printed from the tablet or shared to Dropbox, Drive, Evernote and other applications. - The companion website "" where the teacher can build new exercises. A selection of ready made exercises is provided with the App, but the strength of the tool resides in the possibility for each teacher to tailor make THEIR OWN exercises, perfectly matched to their particular teaching needs. EtiGliss is particularly suited to pupils from kindergarten and primary school but will also find many applications with older students, especially for stimulating activities such as history, geography or science and for the acquisition of foreign languages. With EtiGliss, teachers can create many different types of exercises, including: - Association of a word / sentence with a corresponding image; - Classification (of words, parts of words, sentences or images) on a grid of 2 to 6 areas; - Positioning of labels in a double-entry table; - Ordering labels on a time line; - Positioning words or thumbnails on a background image (e.g. a blank map); - Fitting words or parts of words in a text; - Quizzes on any subject, questions related to a text or result of calculations; - Learning through play, using games or simulation (e.g. paying with coins) - and many more...
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Mémo anglais A2-B1 - Installée
Cette application propose des exercices interactifs pour réviser et consolider ses connaissances en anglais. Elle vient compléter le livret Mémo anglais A2-B1 destiné aux élèves de collège, qui présente les 50 règles et notions essentielles à connaitre pour maitriser la langue anglaise. Les exercices sont organisés en 5 grandes catégories : - Exercices liés au groupe nominal (N1 à N20) - Exercices liés au verbe (V1 à V14) - Exercices liés à la phrase (P1 à P8) - Exercices d’orthographe (O1 à O5) - Exercices liés au lexique (L1 à L3) Une annexe concerne les verbes irréguliers. L'application peut également intéresser les adultes à des fins professionnelles ou personnelles. Il existe aussi une application Mémo anglais B1-B2 (lycée) et une application Mémo anglais B2-C1 (enseignement supérieur).
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